Material Evaluation
Some of the different Material Evaluation services we offer:
Ferrite Testing
Carried out using a digital meter to determine the ferrite content of corrosion and acid resistant steels used in aggressive environments.
With Ferrite testing we can check the amount of ferrite count in materials. The measurement range is typically from 0.1% to 80% Fe or from 0.1 to 110 FN. The results can be reported in either Ferrit percentage (%Fe) or Ferrit number (FN)
Common applications:
The applications for this instrument are numerous and include austenitic stainless steel welds, clad materials and base duplex steel. Data is stored on the instrument giving the operator instant results as to the levels of delta ferrite.Other ferritic phases and transformed martensite are also recognised. Ferrite determination can also be carried out metallographically.
Electrical Conductivity Testing
Electrical Conductivity testing is mostly carried out for Aerospace allocations.
Electrical Conductivity TestingElectrical conductivity is a property that measures how well a metal conducts electrical current and also provides information about its composition, microstructure or mechanical properties. The equipment measures electrical conductivity using the Eddy current method according to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004.
Common applications:
The high-precision instrument can be used for the following: Determination of the electrical conductivity of non-magnetic materials i.e. aluminium alloys, copper, stainless steel, monitoring heat treatment processes, determining the strength and hardness of wrought aluminium alloys in the aerospace and automobile industries and for the inspection of heat treatment damage.
Magnetic Permeability Testing
Magnetic Permeability Testing – Ultramag NDT Inspection ServicesSoon to be covered under our UKAS accreditation to include specifications such as BS 5884, ASTM A342 and A.U.W.E. 29108, Magnetic Permeability is the ability of a material to become magnetized. The equipment, an electronic Permeability meter undertakes an accurate assessment of the materials relative permeability commonly referred to by the Greek letter µ and capable of measuring magnetic permeability in increments between 1.001µ to 1.999µ to a resolution of 0.001µ.
Typical materials that can be tested include:
- Austenitic stainless steels
- Austenitic irons
- Copper alloys such as aluminum bronze.
Sparking Testing
Holiday Detectors / DC Pinhole are high voltage DC units used to find pinholes, flaws and porosity in non-conductive coatings. They can only be used to find flaws in coatings whose substrate is made from a conductive material (metal, concrete etc).
Common applications:
Used for detection of coating porosity (pinholes or holidays) in dielectric (insulation type) coatings on conductive substrates, including concrete.Suitable for production pipeline coating operations, tankwork and structures. Ideal for use on storage tanks, valves and pipelines.
Key Employee:
Jason Rush
Jason is an NDT Inspector but also largely responsible for carrying out Material Evaluation of material using Positive Material Identification, Ferrite Checks, Hardness Testing and Magnetic Permeability Testing.
Whilst providing hands-on training in our Material Evaluation department, he remains qualified in PCN, SNT, NAS 410 & EN 4179 and covers Aerospace Hardness Testing and Conductivity Testing.