Welding Surveillance
As a U.K.A.S. Accredited and B.E.I.S. Appointed Recognised Third Party Organisation, our International Welding Technologist and Welding Specialist provide Welding Surveillance for Welding Procedure Qualification and Welder Qualification Tests.
Our Inspectors are qualified and registered with either CSWIP or AWS and provide welding procedure qualification and welder qualification tests for many industries including:
- Petro-Chemical
- Pressure Vessel Manufacturers
- Pipe work Fabricators
- Ship Builders
- Steelwork fabricators
- Specialised Projects
Our senior registered inspectors have attended many TWI and IMechE courses over the years in welding and material behaviour. Our partnership with a registered welding engineer ensures all execution classes of ISO 3834 are covered.
Key Employee:
Christopher Simmonds BSc CEng FInstNDT MIMechE MWeldI
Chris is an NDT Level 3 Mechanical Engineer and International Welding Technologist responsible for overseeing the running of all projects, with 30 years experience in testing, inspections, welding procedure testing and quality control.
Over the years Chris has attained many qualifications along with a Bachelor of Science Degree and is a Registered Consultant with the British Institute of Non Destructive Testing. He provides bespoke training courses and over the years has been involved with companies implementing ISO 3834 and responsibilities of RWC’s to ISO 14731. Chris is a Chartered Engineer, a Member of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, The Welding Institute, the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society for Non-Destructive Testing.